

For a Sixth Republic

The French left, like its counterpart this side of the Channel, is mired in economism. Political questions relating to the constitution and democracy under the bourgeois state are shunned in favour of almost exclusively trade union-type demands for better wages and conditions. The Fifth Republic, with its monarchical president, epitomises the absence of any meaningful control from below - a situation that allows for the suspension of a whole range of democratic rights, as under the 'state of emergency' legislation. What is more, there is no right to armed self-defence - either against fascist gangs or, more pertinently at this time, against the state's CRS thugs. Jacques Chirac himself was elected with the active support of less than 20% of voters. He and the Front National's Jean-Marie Le Pen together went into the second round head-to-head with between them under 37% of the votes cast. Members of the national assembly can go their own sweet way between elections. We need to fight for a Sixth Republic, won under the hegemony of the working class, which will enshrine extreme democracy: l Disband the armed police and the standing army. For a people's militia. l Abolish the presidency. l For annual parliaments with instantly recallable deputies. l For the right of full citizenship after six months' residency.