
WW archive > Issue 526 - 29 April 2004


Outstanding; Pit amnesia; George and abortion; Respect equality; Respect democracy

Assessing Iraq and mapping out our tasks

Serving notice

Around the web: True Aslef - trueaslef.com

Dead in the water

Socialist Alliance Executive

Beat the Tories

Camden Labour councillor Lucy Anderson will be contesting the Tory-held London assembly constituency of Camden and Barnet on June 10. Justifying Respect's decision to stand against her, the SWP's Rob Hoveman called comrade Anderson a "Blairite" (Weekly Worker February 26). Mark Fischer spoke to her

Fifteen to twenty-five

It is a woman's right to choose

For open borders and a worker's wage

Anas Altikriti stepped down as president of the Muslim Association of Britain in order to stand as a Respect candidate in Yorkshire and Humberside, where he tops the list for the unity coalition. He spoke to Peter Manson

Critical support for Respect confirmed by members

However, a minority think support should also be conditional and exclude MAB candidates

Red Platform founded

Give censorship the red card

Their Europe or ours

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