
WW archive > Issue 1021 - 31 July 2014

Lack of style over substance

Miliband’s plea for less superficiality in politics is, itself, a superficial publicity stunt - and, reckons Paul Demarty, a stupid one at that


Not drowning...; Top-down; How dare you!; Yes and no; In a huff; Economist link; No expulsions

Gaza: Resorting to smears

Protests against the assault on Gaza have been met with charges of outright anti-Semitism by defenders of Israel, writes Micky Coulter

AWL: Giving advice to warmongers

Charles Gradnitzer examines how the social imperialists have responded to the latest Israeli assault on Gaza

Nationalist myths are not Marxism

Jack Conrad argues against the left-nationalist claim that Scotland is an oppressed nation. Indeed, prior to the 1707 Act of Union Scotland was not a nation

Daniel Bensaïd: Repeated disappointments

Daniel Bensaïd An impatient life: a memoir (translated by David Fernbach, introduced by Tariq Ali) Verso 2013, pp384, £24.99 (£11.77 paperback, £9.69 Kindle)

Iran, Israel and Isis

Yassamine Mather looks at the assault on Gaza in the context of the Middle East as a whole

BNP: From the sewer and back

Nick Griffin was more discredited by BBC ‘platforming’ than UAF no-platforming, argues Eddie Ford

Annual gauge

Mark Fischer is back in the game to give us this week's Summer Offensive update

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